
Beyond the Classroom

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Horn Point Laboratory
Located in Cambridge, on Maryland's eastern shore, HPL is interdisciplinary with faculty engaged in research on the biology, chemistry, physics, and ecology of organisms and ecosystems from wetlands and estuarine waters of the Chesapeake Bay to the continental shelf and open waters of the world's oceans. Site features information on faculty, students, their research, graduate school admission, educational and outreach resources, and much more.
Grade Level: Undergraduate lower division, Undergraduate upper division, Graduate or professional

Bodega Marine Laboratory
Located in Bodega Bay, California, BML mission is to lead the way to the multi-disciplinary scientific understanding required to solve complex environmental problems on the marine and terrestrial sides of the tideline in northern California. Site includes information on faculty, facilities, current research, news and events, and a wealth of real-time and archived data and maps.
Grade Level: Undergraduate lower division, Undergraduate upper division, General public

Royal Meteorological Society
The Royal Meteorological Society is the national society for all those whose profession or interests are in any way connected with meteorology or related subjects. Site features the latest news, information, publications, and events all revolving around this global meteorological resource. Learn about METLink, RMetS flagship weather project where participants around the world exchange weather observations using an online database. Membership, teaching aids, and more available for purchase.
Grade Level: General public

Polish Academy of Science Institute of Oceanology
Located in Sopot, Poland, the mission of the Institute is to generate the knowledge to support the sustainable use and protection of the marine environment through innovative, high-level scientific and technological research that significantly adds to the knowledge and understanding of the environment, and provides information and technology for its clients. Site features information on faculty, current research, education programs, publications, and more. Data and figures available. Site available in Polish.
Grade Level: General public, Graduate or professional

Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
Located in Seattle, Washington, PMEL carries out interdisciplinary scientific investigations in oceanography and atmospheric science. Current programs focus on open ocean observations in support of long-term monitoring and forecasting. A comprehensive site focusing on NOAA research in the Pacific Ocean. Site includes an abundant amount of information, data, publications, and links to additional resources. Features interactive data sets, maps, 3-D visualizations, and video.
Grade Level: High school

Oregon State University College of Atmospheric Sciences
Located in Corvallis, Oregon, COAS is advancing the frontiers of knowledge of the ocean, atmosphere, and Earth system. COAS research explores the edge-the interfaces between ocean and atmosphere, ocean and ice, land and sea, land and air, and deep ocean and seafloor. Site includes information on faculty, student, current research, admissions, and much more. Education section includes lesson plans and information on the regional National Ocean Sciences Bowl competition.
Grade Level: Graduate or professional, Undergraduate lower division, Undergraduate upper division, Primary elementary, Intermediate elementary, Middle school, High school

Old Dominion University
Located in Norfolk, Virginia, ODU's Department of Ocean, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences acquires and disseminates knowledge of the earth system, including the relationships among the biological, chemical, geological and physical components of our planet. Site includes information on admissions, faculty, students, current research, research vessels, and more. Features include education initiatives, online newsletter, and seminar information. Education initiatives includes tutorials, high school competitions, and summer camps.
Grade Level: Undergraduate lower division,Undergraduate upper division,Graduate or professional

Naval Research Laboratory
Located in Washington, D.C., the NRL is the corporate research laboratory for the Navy and Marine Corps and conducts a broad program of scientific research, technology and advanced development. Site provides insight into the many accomplishments and on-going research of the lab. Learn about how GPS began and advances in meteorology and radar applications. Information includes the history of the lab, a visitor's guide, and more.
Grade Level: General public

Naval Postgraduate School
Located in Monterey, California, NPS is an academic institution whose emphasis is on the study and research programs relevant to the interests of all arms of the Department of Defense. Programs are designed to accommodate the unique requirements of the military. School is divided up into four programs: Business & Public Policy, Engineering & Applied Sciences, Operational & Information Sciences, and International Graduate Studies. Site features information on admissions, research, and the latest news and events.
Grade Level: Graduate or professional

Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center
NERSC is an independent non-profit research institute affiliated with the University of Bergen, Norway. The Nansen Center conducts basic and applied environmental research funded by national and international governmental agencies, research councils and industry. Site features information on all the latest research and news. View faculty profiles, project information, and citations of the latest publications. All the projects are broken into four categories: summary, objectives, results, and other.
Grade Level: General public, Graduate or professional

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