Marine debris is a worldwide problem. The garbage that ends up in the marine environment comes from various sources, and due to prevailing winds and ocean currents, it can end up very far away from its original source. Land sources are responsible for 70% of the trash, and most of that is washed off of streets, down storm drains, and flows directly into our waterways. Beachgoers who leave their trash behind are also part of the problem. Ocean sources of marine debris include commercial fishing, recreational fishing and boating, cargo vessels, cruise ships, and offshore petroleum rigs, to name a few. Ocean dumping is very difficult to regulate, and laws were only established as recently as 1973 (to prohibit the practice of ocean dumping in general) and 1987 (to specifically prohibit the dumping of plastic trash within the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone).
There are many environmental organizations that have elevated the problem of marine debris in the public's collective conscience. The International Coastal Cleanup is an award-winning program coordinated by the Ocean Conservancy, a recognized leader on marine debris outreach and education. During this annual event, held on the third Saturday in September, people all over the world join together and clean the shores of our oceans. Valuable information on the amounts and types of debris found is collected during the cleanup process, and this information is used to affect positive change on all levels - from educating the individual to instigating legislative reform.
Data Activity
Before doing some calculations using the Cleanup Results, ask your students to guess the 10 most commonly found trash items on beaches around the world. For the answer, go to the Ocean Trash Index annual report. For visual impact, you may want to create your own garbage bag containing numbered examples from the top ten list, and ask students to pull them out one at a time.
Review the Dangerous Debris and Entangling Debris results.
Laura Rose, Virginia Sea Grant, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Grade Level
Lesson Time
1 hr.
Materials Required
Ocean Trash Index annual report
Natl. Science Standards
IK-1 IK-2 L9-4 PS5-2 PS9-4 PS9-5
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