Interactive Reef

Look in the image below and see if you can spot some common residents of oyster reefs. Scroll over the blue circles next to each organism to learn more about it!

The original image was taken with the author's permission from "Life in the Chesapeake Bay" by Alice Jane Lippson and Robert Lippson


Expanded List of Common Oyster Reef Species
Flat-backed mud crab (Eurypanopeus depressus)
Common (Atlantic) mud crab (Panopeus herbstii)
Equal-clawed mud crab (Dyspanopeus sayi)
Big-clawed snapping shrimp (Alpheus heterochaelis)
Barnacles (Balanus spp.)
Grass Shrimp (Palaemonetes spp.)
Hooked mussel (Ischadium recurvum)
Convex slippersnail (
Crepidula convexa)
Eastern white slippershell (
Crepidula plana)
Nassa snail (Nassarius vibex)
Naked goby
(Gobiosoma bosci)
Oyster toad fish (
Opsanus tau)
Skilletfish (Gobiosox strumosa)
Striped blenny (Chasmodus bosquianus
Common clam worm (Alitta succinea)
Red-gilled rock worm (Marphysa sanguinea)
Limy tubeworm (Hydroides dianthus)
Sea grape (Molgula manhattensis