Join the ocean education conversation! Scuttlebutt is the national email discussion list for educators and scientists interested in talking informally about ocean education ideas, issues and questions.
Scuttlebutt Guidelines
All educators and scientists interested in marine science education are invited to subscribe. The Bridge staff monitors list activity and often is able to assist in locating expertise to answer questions that teachers post to the list, as needed. The list does not provide research services for students' assignments.
Scuttlebutt carries messages related to marine education that should be of professional interest to many marine educators nationwide. Petitions, political commentary or advocacy, resumes or job requests, requests for donations or votes, crowdsourcing, cross postings and commercial messages are not accepted. Please restrict attachments to a total size of 500kb or less
Only subscribers may send messages to the list. To post a message, first subscribe to the list, then address your email message to: It will go to everybody who is subscribed to the list.
If you have questions about Scuttlebutt, any trouble subscribing, or wish to unsubscribe, please contact Celia Cackowski at
Your privacy is important. Scuttlebutt does not share its subscriber list.
To unsubscribe from the list:
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